Thursday 17 May 2007

Goodbyes and looking for work

So I had to say goodbye to Rachael, she had her trip to finish and I had completely run out of money so had to find work. We said a tearfull good bye at the airport and both wait for the day when we can meet again, hopefully to do the last bit of travelling together in Aisa. I've been going for interviews for computer work but finally decided against it, its the last thing in the world I wan't to do and I've not come half way round the world to start again. I've seen some improvement in my arms and I don't want to undo the slow, months of recovery only to find myself back exactly where I as before. I waiting to hear for the result of an interview fo a position as a Geotechnician and if there is no joy there then I'm off south again to prune grape vines. Its been a fairly tough week faced with the reality of every one leaving (Franks passed through and gone on to Hong Kong) and having no money in a foreign country the other side of the world from home. I have done one fun thing and that was head down to Raglan for the weekend (New Zealands most famous surfing area with a series of left-hand point breaks). I was blessed with a 3m swell so had some doulble overhead waves - supurb.

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