Tuesday 16 January 2007

Durban to Jefferys Bay

From the Northern Drakensburg I took the Intercape bus to Durban, staying in Ansteys Beach Backpackers. I went into Durban for the day with Dim (who I'd met in the Drakensburg) which was great, a very lively city. Durban centre dosn't have many white people in, mainly black and coloured with a lot of Asians. We went to the indian markets which had stalls with arts and crafts from all over Africa. I bought a surfboard in Durban - a Spider board like my last one. Went surfing as soon as I got back but it was crap, sods law. Durban was the safest place yet, no razor whire around the backpackers, infact the doors were left unlocked! Left the next day for Umzumbe, just down the coast, this is a surfing spot but just my luck, no surf so I moved on into the Transkei. This is the wild coast of south africa, very rural with little development. I stayed at Bomvu in Coffe Bay for three nights. Coffe bay is great, a beach with surf (but not while I was there :-( ) and not much else, unspoilt. But no surf made Benny Boy restless so I moved on to Buccaneers in Chinsta, another great unspoilt place but to enjoy these to the fullest you need to be with others, so I moved on in my search for surf (but not after a ride on an elephant which I won in a killer pool competition). After an overnight stay in Port Elizabeth I arrived in Jefferies Bay, reported to be one of the best waves in the world. It was flat. So I waited. And waited. Oh I was bored - no drinking now, I'd been spending to much money. On the forth day I was up at 6 and in the sea for 1 and a half times overhead surf - fantastic, well worth the wait! Spent the whole day surfing, getting in and out through the reef is quite a challenge, especially when you dont know where the channels are, oh well, have to cope with a few cuts and bruises. Also managed to ding my board, what can you do? No surf today but theres more on its way. I think I'll hang around a little longer...

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