Sunday 11 February 2007

Return to Cape Town

From Stellanbosch I returned to Cape Town for the last few weeks. I had two nights 5* luxury accommodation staying with Barry and Mina, very nice. I hired a car for a week and did all the things I'd not done in my first visit - the whole of the cape peninsular, Kirstenbosch Botanical gardens and climbing table mountain. (I raced up in under an hour, mostly in bare feet and with no jumper incase the conditions changed at the top - a well planned mission). Mostly I drove around surfing, I surfed some of the biggest, heaviest waves yet at Outer Kom and saw the biggest waves I have ever seen - awesome. Driving around was good but it can be tricky navigating 4 lanes of traffic while trying to read a map. And thats it for South Africa, I'll definitely be back in winter to surf. Best leave for the plane, next stop New Zealand. (Wish I'd got some New Zealand dollars!)

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